About Us
SMART,Alec Hatters
235 Gertrude St, FItzroy
Melbourne, Australia, 3065
SMART,Alec hatters was conceived in 2007 as a collaboration with Scally and Trombone, millinery makers in Fitzroy since 1986.
Our knowledge and experience allows an informed historical reference and contemporary twist. We take pride in our excellent service and unique range.
We serve a diverse and global clientele with locally made-in-house hats iconic Australian made Akubra, local designers including Avenel and selected ethically produced imports. We can post anywhere in Australia or overseas.
Our vast range includes hats of all shapes, sizes and fabrics. We stock gloves, scarves, cufflinks, ties, hat feathers and hat accessories. If we don’t have it, we’ll try and find it for you.
Restorations, renovations and repairs by arrangement.